hardware installation

key Extraction


keypad programing

break-in repair

door installation

Lock repair

frame reinforcement

At Van Der Key & Lock, we apply our knowledge and experience as 24/7 locksmiths to serve you as best as possible. You are not alone in dealing with these tough problems. Contact us today to get the help you need.

First-Time Lock Trouble?

Contacting a locksmith is always a good idea. 

We Take care of lock related issues that can usually be handled by a locksmith such as:

Fixing stuck locks

Seeming secure locks, but with a few tricks of the trade, the locksmith can make your locks more secure.

Clearing and Maintaining Locks

Getting a lock off a door or door handle with no way to remove it

Clearing keys locked inside the lock

You can now call us at 416-400-9522 to get Professional 24/7 locksmith help.

Tech tips can help you save time and money.

You don't need to leave your house to get a locksmith.

We Come to You, Day or Night, gladly.

If you need locksmith help, we answer your call 24/7.